Warming Up! A Psychotherapist Reviews "Lady Bird"
Lady Bird What gets in the way of warming up emotionally, especially to another person? In the film “Lady Bird,” Greta Gerwig’s November 2017 directorial debut, we see a mother and her teenage daughter driving back from touring colleges.
A Sense of Fun Can Be Learned in Treatment!
Fun is an attitude, as well as an activity. Your capacity for fun was shaped by your early experiences. If you didn't grow up with lighthearted parents, it's helpful to know that a sense of fun can be learned in treatment!
"Trigger Warnings" and "Safe Spaces." Reasonable Accommodation or Coddling?
Trigger warnings and safe spaces. You may be wondering what in the world they are. This August 26, 2016 article in the New York Times about the University of Chicago’s welcome letter to incoming freshmen explains the terms.
Attachment Parenting Goes to College
“Helicopter Parents Learn College Is Time For A Landing,” by Nicole Dieker on www.nbcnews.com is a helpful look at how to adapt attachment parenting to the needs of older children.
Date Night Ideas For Exhausted Parents
The article below, about creative date night ideas for parents, was originally published on Your Tango, an online women’s magazine, then was picked up and published online by the Good Men Project, Chronicle Daily, Care2 Green Living, among several others (thanks!!!).
"Because You Loved Me"—Co-Dependency or Good Parenting?
A few years ago I was waiting in a doctor’s office and, having forgotten to bring the parenting book I was studying, was at the mercy of Muzak.