Is Life a Pie or an Ocean? An Abundance Mentality.
“My best friend got engaged, and I know I should be happy for him, but I can’t even find a woman who’ll go on more than four dates with me,” said a man in his mid-thirties. “My former co-worker got promoted. I had to clap for her and listen to all the congratulations when we went out, and then I had to buy a round of drinks.
In the News: Quoted below in Huffington Post Article
Skip the breakup and picture-tearing stage and simply don’t date him to begin with.
It’s important to give people a chance while dating, but there are some red flags you just can’t overlook:
Suffering from Post-Election Blues? 10 Tips to Overcome It!
This post is intended to address what some people are calling post-election blues 2016. The post isn't partisan, but deals with psychology.
Trauma Treatment NYC
An early experience of trauma amplifies whatever difficulties you encounter afterward. This makes it hard to "bounce back" from setbacks and disappointments.
Treating Your Depression Helps Your Relationship
You may be aware of the effects of your depression on yourself and your daily life, but have you considered that treating your depression helps your relationship?
Treatment Improves Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is learning to feel good from the inside out, not by comparing yourself to others. I’ll help you learn to feel better! Many people come to New York City with dreams of finding fame and fortune.
A Sense of Fun Can Be Learned in Treatment!
Fun is an attitude, as well as an activity. Your capacity for fun was shaped by your early experiences. If you didn't grow up with lighthearted parents, it's helpful to know that a sense of fun can be learned in treatment!
8 Symptoms of Anxiety. Treatment Can Help!
Living in New York City can be stressful or wonderful. And much of how you experience it depends on how you see the world and yourself—how you think about and deal with the people and situations in your life.
"Trigger Warnings" and "Safe Spaces." Reasonable Accommodation or Coddling?
Trigger warnings and safe spaces. You may be wondering what in the world they are. This August 26, 2016 article in the New York Times about the University of Chicago’s welcome letter to incoming freshmen explains the terms.
Am I Depressed? 13 Related Symptoms and Transitions
Yes, dealing with both positive and negative transitions can be tough. And if you didn’t have strong role models for resilience when you were growing up, you may be someone who as an adult feels particularly battered by change, and you may have an underlying tendency toward depression.
Stop Trying!
Nearly 30 years ago when I worked in an alcohol-drug treatment center, a favorite gambit of counselors was to toss a tissue on the floor and say “I’m trying to pick up the tissue.”
Benefits Of Couples Therapy
Every interpersonal relationship requires work and maintenance, especially romantic relationships. Whether it’s a long term dating relationship, a long lasting engagement, or a marriage, all couples eventually experience problems they need to address together.
What's Love Got to Do with It? Everything!
Are you doomed to marry the wrong person, as a May 28, 2016, New York Times article stated? Union Sq./E. Village NYC therapist Diane Spear takes on the question in this post.
Depression Treatment & Pregnant Women: Meds or Therapy?
Talk therapy doesn’t have any physical side effects, and countless studies show that when medication is needed, patients do better with a combination of talk therapy plus medication, rather than medication alone.
Relationship Villain? Or Not?
Do you have to make someone a villain to spend less time with them or to break up? This was a recent topic of conversation with a young adult woman, and is a great question
Unrealistic Relationship Expectations? Learn the Realistic Alternative!
What do you, Cinderella, and Prince Charming have in common, aside from being a great catch professionally and personally? If you're like most people, you and these storybook characters share some unrealistic relationship expectations.
Reframing: How to Think Your Way Through Difficulties
If you're struggling with a situation, you may benefit from reframing, that is, changing your attitude toward it. This is especially helpful when you have a resentment. Ever notice how you feed your resentments?
Attachment Parenting Goes to College
“Helicopter Parents Learn College Is Time For A Landing,” by Nicole Dieker on is a helpful look at how to adapt attachment parenting to the needs of older children.
Love and Connection: Oliver Sacks and Living Fully
Love and connection. In reading Oliver Sacks’s February 19, 2015, op-ed piece in the New York Times in which he tells us of his metastasized cancer and what he describes as his “detachment” from life, I was struck by his acute engagement with his life.