Couples Lessons from the Barbie Movie
Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” is a fun romp of a summer movie that also tackles the impossibility of society’s contradictory demands of women, the futility of defining oneself through one’s relationship with another person, what it is when one gender holds most of the power in society, difficulties between a teenage daughter and her mom, and what it means to embrace the imperfections of an authentic human experience—among many other themes.

Winning Is Everything! Or Is it?
Do you ever find yourself in a disagreement with your partner or someone else about something completely trivial and you just want to win?

Restoring the Passion: How to Bring Sex Back to Your Marriage
Everyone thinks their honeymoon period will never end. They hear all the talk about how lust cools over time but promise they will be differen

5 Conflict Resolution Tips for Couples
When you were young, it's likely that you were exposed to "picture perfect" relationships.

What Productive Conflict Looks Like in a Healthy Relationship
Every relationship has its ups and downs. There will be plenty of times when you disagree with your partner or when you cannot see eye to eye

Political Opposites? How to Keep Connecting & Communicating Openly
When connecting with a potential friend or partner, your respective political leanings would become known. If there were a chasm, that would be enough to derail the connection quite often. This is not a good thing, but beliefs and opinions can reign supreme.

Financial Infidelity: What It Is & Why It's Important to Be Financially Faithful
ree that cheating in a relationship is a dealbreaker. At the same time, at least four out of 10 married couples report that money conversations always lead to a fight

How to Know if You Are a Codependent Partner
Popular culture does us no favors when it comes to relationships. We’re raised on “love at first sight” and “happily ever after.” This soon morphs into “soul mates” and couples “completing” each other. The sentiments might be sincere, but the outcomes can be dysfunctional.

How You Can Prepare Your Relationship for Empty Nest Stress
Empty nest stress is real and deserves your attention. Committing together to therapy is an ideal way to prepare for this monumental life change.

Are You a Good Listener? 5 Ways to Make Sure
You may have the desire to be a respectful, active, and validating listener. However, if that desire is not translated into action, the point is moot. Worse, your relationships may be damaged. With that in mind, let’s explore ways to ensure you are a good listener.

What Does It Mean to Be Financially Intimate?
Generally, you’ll find many different types of intimacy discussed by relationship and/or psychology experts. These include affectional, intellectual, emotional, sexual, recreational, spiritual, aesthetic, and social intimacy. While all of them are important, this common list highlights how often financial issues are downplayed in terms of relationships.

Tying the Knot? What You & Your Partner Need to Know & Discuss
Thanks to pop culture and societal pressure, we may develop unrealistic expectations. We put far too much pressure on ourselves, our partner, and our relationship. Instead of looking to be “completed,” make time to talk about how you visualize marriage going in.

How to Make Time For the Money Talk Before You Move In Together
More than two-thirds of people in relationships say money is a stressful topic. This can result in important conversations being avoided.

Still Having the Same Old Argument? Key Steps To Turn Things Around
Relationships can provoke volatile emotions. Having the same old argument over and over is a red flag. It’s crucial that you take these steps to turns things around.

Living Your Happily Ever After? Why Couples Counseling Matters Now
There’s good news about individual therapy. For the vast majority of people, it no longer carries a stigma in many situations.

Dating Couples, Should You Focus on Friendship First?
In the world of rom-coms and celebrity love, the idea of the “friend zone” is undesirable. It’s where people (usually males are depicted) often feel stuck and unseen by the person for whom they feel attraction. This misguided concept undermines the essential value of friendships.

Why You Should Avoid Comparing Your Relationship to Movie & TV Scripts
Does your partner ever say "this reminds me of that episode of… [fill in the blank]," when discussing a relationship matter? How often do you do the same?

Despite the Pandemic, Thriving Couples Have These 3 Qualities in Common
It’s not the pandemic. It’s the lockdowns. A massive life disruption for nearly a year has placed unprecedented strain on our collective mental health. Part of that strain is leaning directly on any couple's life. They weren’t kidding when they said, “for better or for worse.”

Setting the Bar for Relationship Expectations In the Basement
Lower your expectations? I know, it’s not exactly the stuff of inspirational videos. But this suggestion has its place. We live within a culture that often makes promises it cannot keep.

Under Pressure? How to Overcome Internal & External Relationship Stress
Stress can place internal and external pressure on us as individuals. We can get worn out and out of sorts. Soon irritability and exhaustion start getting in our way.