Suffering from Natural Disaster PTSD: What You Can Do to Cope
If you or someone you know is showing possible signs of PTSD following a natural disaster, professional help is absolutely invaluable. This is not a condition to try handling with self-treatment alone. That said, it most definitely is a condition that benefits from certain self-help efforts.
Normal or Enough is Enough? Assessing & Addressing Sibling Fights
You may not be ready for the answer, but let’s begin with a question: what is the most common form of family violence?
Tying the Knot? What You & Your Partner Need to Know & Discuss
Thanks to pop culture and societal pressure, we may develop unrealistic expectations. We put far too much pressure on ourselves, our partner, and our relationship. Instead of looking to be “completed,” make time to talk about how you visualize marriage going in.
What You Need to Know About Your Period & Your PTSD Symptoms
There are several effective PTSD treatment protocols. However, for women, it is particularly important to factor in the impact their menstrual cycle has on the disorder and its symptoms.
People Can't Accept & Respect Your Decision to Remain Childless? How to Respond
Almost half of women under 44 have never had children. Yet, we still live in a society that equates womanhood with motherhood.
6 Ways Exercise Helps When Anxiety Has You Wired & Wound Up
On some level, many of us understand that exercise benefits our mental well-being. Not surprisingly, however, this can be lost in the shuffle of busy schedules and myriad obligations.
Help! I’m a New Mom Struggling to Connect with My Newborn
If the connection you’ve heard about, or even expected, is not instantaneous, it's okay. There is no reason to feel ashamed or guilty. It also does not mean anything in terms of your long-term bond with your child. The most helpful response going forward is acceptance and patience. Whether it takes days or weeks, it will be well worth the wait.
Menopause & Depression: How to Mentally Manage Shifting Hormones
Menopause arrives at a time when a woman may be already struggling with the concept of aging in a culture that does not honor it. This is when social support but cultural and social issues matter. If aging is negative and menopause is a sign of aging, menopause can quickly become depressing.
Lots of UnVaxxed Loved Ones? How to Graciously Get Out of Gatherings
The holiday season often comes with loads of invitations to attend social gatherings. It also means there will be some gatherings you’d prefer to skip. Why? The reasons are many, yet, this year, you may prefer to say “no” to events based on Covid vaccination status.
How to Make Time For the Money Talk Before You Move In Together
More than two-thirds of people in relationships say money is a stressful topic. This can result in important conversations being avoided.
Withdrawn & Eating Meals in Their Room? What To Do About Your Teen
As a parent, you must exert a certain amount of helpful authority. You can’t just let your teen withdraw into the ether. During these difficult years, they need support — and so do you. This process may begin by normalizing the act of asking for help.
How Early Adulthood Depression Can Impact Your Cognitive Health As You Age
Depression can trigger the release of extra cortisol. This, in turn, is and news for the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a major player when it comes to cognitive function. It is also vulnerable to the impact of cortisol. This has been linked to a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The greater and more frequent the depressive episodes, the more rapid is the cognitive decline.
What We Can Do to Authentically Support BIPOC Kids Today
If you are raising or responsible for a BIPOC kid, you know that racial stress and trauma are an ever-present threat. Your child's ability to thrive at home, at school, and in social settings requires your steady support.
How to Know Depression in Bipolar Disorder When You See It
There are some key signs to look out for when trying to discern depression in bipolar disorder.
What You Don’t Know Is More Important Than What You Know
It’s not a humiliation to admit you don’t know something. Being humble is a good thing! Admitting that you don’t know something allows you to continue learning.
Still Having the Same Old Argument? Key Steps To Turn Things Around
Relationships can provoke volatile emotions. Having the same old argument over and over is a red flag. It’s crucial that you take these steps to turns things around.
Selecting a College is Hard! 6 Tips to Support Your High School Senior
Selecting a college is rarely easy. Do not hesitate to get help for your child or try sessions together. Working with a skilled counselor is a powerful step toward easing this emotional transition.
How You Can Cultivate Resilience in the Age of COVID
Resilience can be hard to find without help. It can be hard to sustain without the mental and emotional tools. Like any other characteristic or skill, it can be taught.
COVID Constraints All Over Again? How to Deal with Your Dread & Worry
Do you need a mask or not? Are vaccines or boosters mandated? What economic help is still available? Can you go to school or work in person? From state to state and city to city, it seems everyone is at odds these days